News and Links
Adjustable degrees of statefulness in Eth1 clients. Casey Detrio’s tweetstorm also has useful context
Ashikhmin and Akhunov: Red Queen sync protocol
Eth2 phase2: Fast cross-shard transfers via optimistic receipt roots
Refinement and verification of CBC Casper. Isabelle proof.
Layer 2
Comparison between state channel watchtower methods
Abridged: layer 2 packaged up into an SDK to make it easy for devs. Early access soon.
Stuff for developers
ChainSecurity’s VerX “automated verifier for certifying custom functional requirements” of Eth code
launchdapp from Zastrin to make dapp frontend hosting easy
An overview of scaling now solutions for architecting your dapp
eth-owl: watch Eth address for transaction notifications by email. Much like Dagger.
Truffle v5.0.14. If you want to join the web3 revolution, join Truffle University
OpenZeppelin v2.3.0 release candidate
Gnosis Safe gets formally verified by Runtime Verification
The CryptoKitties folks called DapperLabs unveil their Dapper smart contract wallet
Turms: an expensive and slow encypted messaging between Eth addresses. Something like an onchain
Pocket Network MVP is live: “a decentralized relay network for full-node infrastructure”
“Societe Generale … issued EUR 100m of covered bonds as a security token, directly registered on the Ethereum blockchain.” The bonds were issued to itself; still an interesting pilot.
Nike files trademark for cryptokicks. Flashback to EthDenver 2018, and sneaker tracking has always been something we’ve thought would happen.
Coindesk reports Samsung is developing an Ethereum-based chain and may do a token
Live on mainnet
Set Protocol’s Strategy Enabled Tokens are live on mainnet. Automated trading to buy the dumps and sell the pumps.
XYO Matrix live on mainnet
Governance and Standards
Latest core devs call. Notes from the call. ProgPoW audit funded and planned for next hard fork. Aiming for 6 month hard fork cycle.
Mougayar’s EF and spending proposals
ERC1967: Standard Proxy Storage Slots
ERC1958: Smart contract functions payable in tokens
ERC1959: Valid chainID opcode
ERC1962: EC arithmetics and pairings with runtime definitions
Application layer
Brave Ads officially launches. If you enable ads in the Rewards section, you get 70% of ad revenue with BAT
bZx compares their leverage tokens to dYdX’s leverage tokens
Dharma thinks their 14% lending rate can help generate Dai demand to restore the peg
Cent implements Fortmatic so its users don’t need a browser extension
Decentraland has avatars now. Ever closer to Snow Crash.
Maker stability fee to 16.5%. Meanwhile, from the drama a few weeks ago, this is Andy’s side and Matt’s side of the story
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
Justin Drake on Zero Knowledge
bZx’s Tom Bean & Kyle Kistner on Wyre Talks
Dharma’s Nadav Hollander talks to Brian Armstrong
Giveth’s Griff Green on Epicenter
Austin Griffith on Into the Ether
Tokens / Business / Regulation
Dether debuts continuous auctions/Harberger taxes for geographical exclusivity for sellers
Burniske: value capture and quantification
Etrade launching Eth trading
New York AG obtained a local court order against Bitfinex/Tether that asserts that Tether was not fully backed. Bitfinex responded. Breaker points out a common thread: the payment processor also dealt with Quadriga. Alex Miller’s tldr is perfect.
Protocol Labs and Ethereum Foundation are collaborating on VDF research
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new in bold):
Apr 29 - Oslo Blockchain Day
May 4 - ENS Permanent Registrar launches
May 9 - Fluidity Summit (NYC)
May 10-11 - Ethereal (NYC)
May 16 - Eth2 workshop (NYC)
May 16 - Token Summit (NYC)
May 17-19 - ETHNewYork
May 17 - Deadline to accept proposals for Instanbul upgrade fork
May 23-25 - Swarm Orange Summit (Madrid)
May 27-28 - EthCon Korea (Seoul)
June 8-9 - WASM in blockchains (Berlin)
June 22-24 - Zcon1 (Split, Croatia)
Aug 2-4 - ETHIndia (Bangalore)
Aug 2-4 - TruffleCon (Redmond)
Aug 21-23 - Dappcon (Berlin)
Aug 23-25 - ETHBerlin
Sep 16-17 - Starkware sessions (Tel Aviv)
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