Ethereum News and Links
Layer 1
Lighthouse eth2 client update - Disc v5 in rust libp2p, SSZ updates, RESTful API instead of JSONRPC
Prysmatic Labs eth2 client update - updating to current spec
Eth2 Javascript client Lodestar will focus on light client support in the browser. Yeeth and Lodestar to work on eth2 components in AssemblyScript
Lots of phase2 execution work coming out of eth2 meetings in New York. To wit:
Vitalik’s Eth2, phase2, proposal2
Current idea on eth1->eth2 migration: take the Eth1 state root and port into Eth2 execution environment
Ewasm Scout, eth2 phase2 execution prototyping engine
Client releases
Layer 2
Plasma implementer call. Notes.
PlasmaLeapDao streaming payment and royalty distribution demo on their Plasma chain at Cannes Film Festival
Mosendo as a consumer-friendly Venmo-esque frontend for Connext’s state channels.
Celer’s state channels deployed onto Matic’s Plasma MVP chain. More on Matic Plasma.
Stuff for developers
Vyper v0.1.0-beta.10
Truffle v5.0.19
Right-To-Left-Override as Solidity attack vector. A detection tool added to Slither
Provable fair ransom to profit from otherwise non-exploitable vulnerabilities
Visual Eth IDE Pipeline is on Remix-alpha
Intro to AZTEC for developers
Loredana’s PoC for her universal filesystem, dType
Process Ethereum data with Pubsub and Dataflow
Vitalik’s design for a minimal mixer
Ethereum Foundation Q2 update and how it will spend $30m this year
MetaMask user metrics. 265k MAUs in April.
Where we are with Eth2 testnets explainer
Governance and Standards
Latest core devs call. Tim Beiko’s notes in tweetstorm form
Updated proposed list of possible EIPs for Instanbul upgrade fork
EIP2045: Fractional gas costs for EVM opcodes
EIP2046: Reduced gas cost for static calls made to precompiles
ProgPoW audit has been delayed, so it is unlikely to make it into the Istanbul hard fork
Futarchy appellate Aragon courts using staked ANT
Live on mainnet
Nexus Mutual live on mainnet, a digital cooperative to offer smart contract cover to insure against bugs
Application layer
Set did the first rebalances on its automated rebalancing portfolio
Guide to DxDAO launch on May 29.
Veil’s explanation for why it forked Augur and created AugurLite. They want 2020 US presidential campaign markets now instead of waiting for v2
Comparison of Maker, dydx, Compound, and Dharma decentralized lending
Defi users over time data viz from Alethio
Multi-collateral Dai testnet release v0.26. Also, the Stability Fee is back up for a vote to lower to 17.5% (last week I incorrectly assumed the vote would pass. It did not and appears it may fail again this week)
VirtuePoker is in private beta with a bunch of promotions
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
Barry Whitehat on privacy at Taipei Eth meetup
Ren’s Loong Wang on Hashing It Out
Tokens / Business / Regulation
Circle on why SEC Framework is making Poloniex delist a bunch of assets for the US
Fred Wilson: US regulatory uncertainty keeps crypto projects out of the US
Building the Commons Stack (“infrastructure for collaboration”) from Giveth and BlockScience
Felix Feng on Ethereum’s moat
Setty IACR paper: Efficient SNARKs without trusted setup
Mustafa Al-Bassam’s LazyLedger: data availability blockchain with sub-linear full block validation
BBC reports that Facebook’s stablecoin will be called Globalcoin, and may attempt to peg to a basket of fiat currencies.
Lots of cell phone sim card porting attacks in the last week. If you give an online service your cell number, your account may be insecure
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new in bold):
May 27-28 - EthCon Korea (Seoul)
May 29 - DxDAO launches
June 5-7 - Scaling Ethereum research workshop (Toronto)
June 8-9 - WASM in blockchains (Berlin)
June 10-11 Blockchain for Social Impact conference (NYC)
June 22-24 - Zcon1 (Split, Croatia)
July 3-5 - WindingTree’s HackTravel (Lisbon)
July 19 - BuildETH (San Francisco)
Aug 2-4 - ETHIndia (Bangalore)
Aug 2-4 - TruffleCon (Redmond)
Aug 21-23 - Dappcon (Berlin)
Aug 23-25 - ETHBerlin
September 15 - Augur v1 cutoff
Sep 16-17 - Starkware sessions (Tel Aviv)
Oct 8-11 - DeVcon (Osaka)
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